Wednesday, July 16, 2008

South FREE

That is their motto and they do. The number of motor cycles is amazing and the air of freedom rides with them. The rolling hills and quiet beauty of the land is peaceful and invites you to drive and enjoy your day in the sun and cool breeze.

Many young men have long black braids down their backs, because the Indian heritage here is alive and well and it is refreshing to see young people so proud of who they are. The Indian culture is very evident and visible here.

The spirit of the West is here also, but in a more laid back way than in Wyoming.
It is more about the beauty of the land and not the mystique of the rodeo and the cowboy. It is more a reflection of the reverance the first Americans have for the Black Hills and for the suffering their ancestors indured to survive here.

The buffalo roam in large numbers in Custer State Park and the deer are everywhere. The towns are small but reflect the history of the area and have many historic buildings which are preserved and still used.

Rapid City is a bustling growing area and is much changed from our visit in 1999. There is so much more tourism and it shows in the new motels and campgrounds which abound.

We are thrilled with our unique campgound, which has a covered pavillon for each two sites. The roof over each concrete pad gives us an area to eat together and spend time outside even in the rain. There is a road between each two sites and it is an easy in and out and all are pull throughs. What a great concept.

We have enjoyed Mount Rushmore , Crazy Horse, Deadwood and of course, Wall Drugs. It has been a great place to end our adventure with a very relaxed last few days and we have had the opportunity to rest up, clean out the R V's and get restocked for the long drive home.

It will be an adjustment traveling on alone, but we are all anxious to see loved ones and get to our family connections, which are scattered in the mid west and east .

Tonight we will have our last dinner together and say our goodbyes. The adventure has been awesome and some day we will relax, drag out the box of photos and brochures and relive it, then we will realize just what an amazing journey it has been.

When you are living it you don't have time to absorb the reality of it all. We lived together and traveled together for 80 plus days and we are all so blessed to have done it without major illness or an accident. We have learned alot about
each other and ourselves. We have experienced the most thrilling sights and most harrowing drives and have bonded with the adventures.

I am ready to go was fantastic and I am sorry to see it end......maybe next year?

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